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I Had a Chemical Peel Done on My Hands and the Results Are Incredible

Twelve days after the Glytone Hand Peel.

Chemical peels and the skin on my face go together like peanut butter and jelly. I attribute them—and a combo of good skincare habits and, of course, retinol—to my glowy complexion that looks pretty damn good for a 42-year-old. OK, full disclosure, some Dysport and filler is sprinkled into the mix, too—it’s all about being transparent, right? But I’ll never discount the skin-perfecting powders of a good peel.

Every six weeks, I visit my aesthetician, Cheryl. I’ve been trusting my skin to her delicate hands for over a decade. She never disappoints, and a customized peel is always part of the get-my-skin-to-look-like-glass equation. I don’t know what she mixes up, but her peels don’t make me shed layers of skin that have me hiding out at home for days. Instead, my skin mildly flakes, and around day five (post-treatment), it is as fresh as a baby’s butt.

Recently, while in Aspen to attend the annual Cosmetic Bootcamp meeting, I was treated to Glytone’s Hand Peel. This professional treatment, which features 20% TCA, 10% lactic acid, and 0.5% kojic acid, is made just for the hands. It took all of 10 minutes to perform, and it didn’t sting or burn like other peels I’ve tried. There was some mild tingling (I’d qualify it as a ‘4’ on a scale of 1 to 10, with ten being the highest), but once neutralized, I was ready to go about the rest of my day, which included a much-needed massage.

Over the next week, my hands peeled—and I mean seriously peeled—to the point that I was hiding them in my pockets. Finally, around the 10-day mark, my scaly hands were gone, and in their place is skin so soft and smooth, it reminds me of velvet.

Each Glytone Professional Peel features the Enerpeel technology that allows for deeper penetration with minimal irritation. My hands were never irritated or inflamed, just a bit red around day three, but that quickly went away.

I can honestly say that my hands and fingers look years younger than they did pre-peel. I always thought my hands looked old, dry, and wrinkled, and now they look so good that I’m considering taking lots more pictures for Instagram showing off my new hands. I’m beyond thrilled with the results and will keep up with this one—as if I needed something else to add to my beauty routine!